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Spanish to English Law (general) Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
..efectuada a su favor en concepto de pago de precio.. made to it as payment of price
..el inmueble se revalorizará a razón del cinco por ciento.. the value of the property shall increase at an annual rate of five per cent.
Entered by: Edward Tully
..extremos de la economía del contrato... financial aspects of the agreement
..lo solicitan despues de advertidos... he was solicited after warnings
Entered by: David Jessop
..los encargos secretos que le he encomendado. the confidential commissions I entrusted him with liberarán al contratista de ninguna obligación (costas judiciales) shall not relieve the contractor of any liability (court costs)
..por acto entre vivos o por causa de muerte by "inter vivos" or "mortis causa" acts
..y en caso afirmativo si ha presentado declaraciones de impuestos. ... and if so, whether it has submitted tax returns
///Cuerda con (concuerda con) ... In agreement with its corresponding... (document)
0+29 semanas 29 weeks later
Entered by: Reed James
1 vez First instance
1. acto fundado Justified decision/resolution
1. Poder con que actuó Power of attorney that he/she used
Entered by: Michael Boone
196° y 147° 196th anniversary of Independence and 147th anniversary of the Federation
202° y 153° Year 202 of Independence and 153 of the Federation
2do apellido 2nd surname
2do. Tte 2nd Lt.
3/4 partes de la condena (the convicted offender) must have served 3/4 of his sentence
> o = 10% ppto. inv. greater than or equal to 10% of the investment budget
a base de la totalidad de la prueba based on the totality of the evidence
a benficio fiscal to benefit the public coffer
a bien informarle I wish/would like to inform you
a cambio de precio for a fee
a cara descubierta unmasked
a cargo de (un juzgado / tribunal) (court) presided over by (judges X, Y and Z)
a cargo del provided by
a cargo del presided (over) by
a conocer (untranslated)
a consecuencias de as a result of, arising from
A continuación vuelva al despacho para resolver lo conducente. Cumplase. to be returned to the office forthwith for the appropriate decision. Let it be complied with.
a cuantía queda determinada the amount is (hereby)determined
a cuenta y orden de la presente causa on account and by order of the present lawsuit
a cuya virtud el demandado debe responder de by virtue of which the defendant (also) has to be held responsible for
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
a cuyo régimen está adecuada la Universidad GGG whose rules University GGG complies with,
a dará también de que él tiene efectivamente the officer will also testify that the person acts on behalf of ...
a diligencia de at the instance of/upon the request of
Entered by: AllegroTrans
a disposición de la Justicia at the \'disposal of the court\'
a donde fui llamado a ejercer where my services were required
a efecto de lo solicitado in response to the request
a efecto de que ante el suscrito notario manifieste lo siguiente: (witness NN),who personally appeared before the undersigned notary public and stated the following:
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