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Spanish to English Law (general) Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
(phrase) constituirme en la mesa de entradas appeared before the court's front desk
(por un valor de...) de la misma at a rate of ( ) each
(razón de sobra) para desestimar todas las falaces alegaciones (more than enough reason) to dsimiss all the misallegations
(Recibí el importe de esta liquidación) en pago de mi remuneración I received this payment as remuneration for...
Entered by: Edward Tully
(recurso) de gracia application for review/reconsideration
(Reparto) E.S.D. (Assignment by Rotation) into His Chambers [ESD/en Su Despacho]
(se reduce) el plazo de duración de los miembros the (committee) members' term of office (is reduced)
(STC 46/2001 FJ 8è) Judgement of the Spanish Constitutional Court
(Sup.Ac.2014) cumulative supplement 2014
Entered by: wendy griswold
(tipo de) contrato: (Colombia) type of document:
(uniones de) empresarios joint venture
(Uru) diario judicial Gazette for Legal Notices & Advertisements
(Ven.) Homologacion intituciones familiares Judicial ratification of agreement on domestic arrangements
(venir en) reducir a escritura pública to reduce to a document of public record
(y folios) utiles (4 sheets) of text
**BOCG** fr 7 de junio de 1989, serie A, No. 106-9, pag. 73 Official Gazette of the Spanish Congress
*leida como les fue 1a misma* it was read to them
*se condena *al demandado XX a la disolucion del vinculo matrimonial order is entered against the defendant dissolving his marriage
, por lo que renuncian a ejercer cualquier acción que hubiese por vicios en el c they waive the right to bring any action due to defects in the consent
, y tanto XXX como el Licenciatario por este medio se someten irrevocablemente a and both XXX and the licensee (franchisee) do hereby irrevocably submit to
,,, que en su moment designe la beneficiaria de la pension which will be designated by the beneficiary of the maintenance allowance in due course.
- Patrimonios particionales de herencias. distribution of estate assets
.. respecto del cual el segundo apellido es... whose second surname is
... a las que me remito... en caso necesario which I will submit as evidence if required
... bastando para ello ...being deemed sufficient for this purpose
... con una extensión mínima de cinco años. for a minimum term of five years
... en su caráter de Administrador Unico. in his capacity as Sole Manager
Entered by: eski
... la que obre en su conocimiento... as you might / should be aware as per....
... mi condición actual en repercusión a la decisión tomada, la cual ya había tenido un acuerdo sobre mi situación ... my current situation following your refusal, despite the previous decision made in my favour
... promoción de los derechos laborales han alcanzado carta plena de ciudadanía ... promotion of work-related/labor rights have reached full naturalization papers
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
... Que haya dado motivo a la formación de la causa ...That has motivated/led to the opening of the proceedings
Entered by: Edward Tully
... que no lo causa, ... that he/she is not subject thereto
Entered by: Sergio Kot
... saben hacerlo, y quienes no, imprimen su huella digital. ... know how to do so, and those that don't leave their fingerprint
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
... su hijo legítimo y de su cónyuge his and his wife's legitimate child
... surge la necesidad de acreditar hechos y circunstancias que hacen al derecho "...the need arises to prove the facts and circumstances which rightly pertain to.."
... sus fotocopias, firmado en estas y el presente original, en presencia del Notario, su otorgante .... p/copies, these having been signed, along with this original, in the presence of the Notary, the grantor states
..., previa lectura y ratificación por parte del compareciente... previously read and ratified by the appearing party
.... A quien abajo se indica, extiendo y firmo la presente en... ...for the person specified hereunder, I issue and sign/execute this (whatever it is) on
...."este arrendamiento sobrevivirá a cualquier gravamen o hipoteca" This lease shall survive any lien or mortgage
........con renuncia de propio si fuero distinto waiving their own jurisdiction, if different
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