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Spanish to English Law (general) Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
....adeudan vacaciones...PROLEGOMENO?? employees/personnel having accrued vacation leave
....con facultades suficientes cuya vigencia asegura. . . . with sufficient powers, which (he/she) declares are in force.
....en ejercicio...... incumbent pago de liquidacion o liquidaciones que puedan girarse por el Impuesto.... ... to the payment of the settlement or settlement that could be sent for the tax
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
...competente para resolver en esta instancia de conformidad con.... (ver) competent to decide
...Con lo que creo probada la Justicia que me asiste(?) para hacer este reclamo. (And) I believe that the foregoing proves that I have just cause to make this demand
...con que distingue el respeto de su obediente servidor. I beg, sir, to remain your respectful and obedient servant
...con quien actúa y da fe. with whom she is acting and who attests
...con Rango, Valor y Fuerza de Ley with the status, validity, and force of law
Entered by: Kathryn Litherland
...consitutidos los ciudadanos abogados XXXx ...having established XXXX as counsel
...da el matrimonio por finalizado ...regards the marriage as finished cambiarle cárcel por la presentación... ...exchanging jail time for appearing /the appearance...
Entered by: Fabio Descalzi
...debidamente motivada en Derecho duly grounded in law
...deudas dejadas de relacionar en la presente partición... ...debts not itemized in this partition...
...el sujeto realiza la conducta impropia ...the taxpayer commits the impropriety
...en ejercicio del Ministerio que la ley me enviste... by virtue of the powers vested in me by law
...en el marco de un procedimiento penal por un d elito contra la salud publica in a criminal proceeding for a crime against public health
...en un cuerpo único la legislación de contralor.... (ver) ..consolidated/unified into a single controlling legislation
...estimar que con el cumplimiento de... assume that compliance with... maquila... contract manufacturing
...LAS GENERALES DE LA LEY the (preliminary) general questions required by law
...mando que sea publicada... para su conocimiento y cumplimiento ordering that it be published / for purposes of information and fulfillment
...misma que causó estado por auto... which became final by order
...para ulteriores procedimientos consecuentes a la determinación arriba expresada... for subsequent proceedings arising from the aforementioned decision
...parandole el perjuicio a que hubiere lugar en derecho. causing you such prejudice [forfeiture of rights] as is appropriate in law
...pidele a Dios que este pais vuelva a la normalidad... pray for this country to return to normal
...por ante mi contrajeron matrimonio civil los señores: xxx before me, the following persons entered into a civil marriage:
...por imposibilidad accidental del titular, due to the holder's eventual inability to act
...previa advertencia del contenido del Decreto (...) se procede. ... after having been duly informed of the terms of Decree
...que devuelva... al imputado de delito a la brevedad posible. to return... to the accused, as soon as possible
...que no podran incorporarse a titulos negociables ni llamarse acciones which cannot be converted into negotiable securities or called shares
...que sirven de liga o union... which serve to bind or join cuenta con actividad económica realizada en los EE.UU. if X has engaged in income-generating activities in the United States
...solicito a este Juzgado haga las siguientes declaraciones: I hereby request the Court to order the following:
...sujetas a condición o modo subject to any condition or formalities
...y evacuado el tramite de formalizacion... ...and having completed the required procedure
...y las concordantes applicables por analogía Legis o luris... not a Colombian attny. -but I belive they are sources of law.
...y saben hacerlo and able to sign
..a quien habria correspondido conocer.... which would have heard
..carencia sobrevenida de objeto. supervening loss of the subject matter in dispute
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