The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Archaeology Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
techo edafizado edaphic roof
terciarización outsourcing
terrazas colgadas, escalonadas stepped hanging terraces
Entered by: patinba
terreno plano (interpreted as plano de terreno) ground plan
testar Pottery waste dump
tierra virgen virgin soil
tomín Referencias - tomin
tratar de alumbrarlas try to extract it (the water)
Entered by: Marie Wilson
Trompas de Tritón Triton\'s trumpets
tuberías de atanores ceramic pipes
un género del pantalón verde levantado como Body-Part a scrap of cloth from green trousers collected along with body parts
un largo cabello long tresses
una zona de anteplaya superior upper shoreface area
vainillas de protectil, encamisados y núcleos (gilding-metal) jacket, case
variantes de cabeza animadas with a variation in the animation of the heads
vírgula de la palabra speech scroll
vegas forrajeras fertile pastures/meadows/grasslands
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
vehículo de comercialización prioritario main/major commercial route
verso (folio vuelto) reverse, back
Entered by: Rocio Barrientos
vertiente occidental circunpuneña western slope of the Circumpuna
villa periurbana periurban villa
visera overhang
votivo votive
Yacimientos rupestres rock art sites / rock-art sites
zaragüelles (loose) breeches
\\\"galería anular de circulación\\\" circular passages
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