The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Archaeology Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
cazoletas cup mark
cazuelas de carena media medium-sized carinated cauzuelas
cómo se traduce el término virreinato? Viceroyship
ceja del altar edge or rim of the altar
cementación calcárea calcareous cementation
cerramiento plano Mayan Corbelled vault
chiclero the chicle latex collector
chimuizada declared, considered, Chimú territory by Tello
ciencia horizontal horizontal science
Entered by: EirTranslations
cintrado curved (as an arcade or a vault)
cobertura de la excavacion draping the excavation
cocción reducida reduced firing
como remate de éstas en la parte inferior Suggestion:
como si se tratase as if (they were)
Entered by: Marina Soldati
compresor pressure flaker
con un remate en cruz crowned with a cross
conchal shell midden
conjuntos cerrados unexcavated sites
consecutiva a un proceso infeccioso as a result of an infection
contextos espaciales spatial contexts
Entered by: EirTranslations
conurbado conurbation
coquetes/soquetes It is used for construction
costurilla de puntos unidos interweaving of joined stitches
Entered by: Edward Tully
cráneos con vida living heads
crujía bay
crujía perimetral sin comunicación alguna blind/closed/sealed-off perimeter bay
cuadro real royal tableau
cubrición covering
Entered by: EirTranslations
curaduría curatorship
Entered by: EirTranslations
cuya aproximación a where the rendering of (the forms and iconography)
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
d.n.e (de nuestra era) Common era
Entered by: Marie Wilson
Danto Baird's Tapir (if it is the mammal)/or/Bare-necked Umbrellabird (if it is the bird)
datos de superficie surface data
de claro/amplitud wide
de pura cepa of pure stock; authentic
Entered by: Catherine Harrison
de tantos a tantos many on many combat
decoración falsa faux ornamentation/decoration
denticulados denticulate tools
Entered by: Huw Watkins
Derecho Privado Romano Roman Private Law
desechos de reavivado de instrumentos tool-sharpening debris
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