The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Other Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
Agua que no has de beber, déjala correr Let others enjoy the sweet that you are not going to eat.
aguas blancas clean water
aguas minero-medicinales mineral and thermal waters
ahora que apenas logro ubicarme now that I barely know where I am
Airear las penas to let go of your woes
Entered by: Simon Bruni
ajustada a las normas enmarcadas dentro de in accordance with standards of
ajuste final final adjustment
Al cumplirse 30 años del Banco Central, ...... To celebrate/On the occasion of the Central Bank's 30th anniversary, .....
Entered by: Victoria Porter-Burns
al margen de estos defectos y vicios de la nación protectora apart from/regardless the aforementioned protector nation\'s flaws and vices
Al servicio de At the service of
alameda poplar grove
alarma contra incendios propietaria proprietary fire alarm
alberguista youth hosteler
Entered by: Todd Field
alcance del proyecto project scope/ scope of project
alcorque tree pit/well, (by extension) tree grille/grid
alebrijes alebrijes
alejado en el tiempo (sufficiently) removed in time
alfombra de benca borda Benca rug
algunos argumentan que puede surgir una tension... some argue that tension may arise...
alimentos Animal Feed
alimentos muy gustados very popular foods
All the efforts that have gone on in the past Todos los esfuerzos que se han realizado en el pasado
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
Allá donde fueres, haz lo que vieres When in Rome, do as the Romans do
alma de la fiesta life of the party
alta peluquería canina high quality dog grooming
altas y bajas mensuales en el sistema de la seguridad social monthly registrations and deregistrations in the social security system
alto poder de igualación gives a very consistent finish
aluminiero aluminium worker
amacise stabilization
amaestraje Master keying
amasarlo con palabras knead the flesh/ a human being into words
ambitos areas / fields
ameno adore (see context)
ametralladoras firecrackers /string firecrackers
amiba en fresco live amoeba
amplia significacion como alumno... outstanding character as a ( ) student
ampliación a fílmico enlargement of negatives
analisis de la gestion de la seguridad del establishment analysis of the establishment's security/safety mseasures
Anímate, no te arrepentirás come on, you won't regret it
Entered by: Lisa Dahlander
ando que me lleva la chingada de hambre I'm fucking hungry / starved
Entered by: Rafael Molina Pulgar
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