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Spanish to English Finance (general) Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
3,7 veces el patrimonio mínimo exigido 3.7 times the minimum capital/equity required according to ...
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
9.513 M$; rúbrica $9.513m; heading
a buen recaudo safely put away
a cargo de la autoridad Rephrase it - see below
a cargo y cuenta for account and on behalf of
Entered by: patinba
a compensar to be offset / to be cleared
a crédito y a contado on a credit/deferred payment basis//on a cash basis
a cuentas personales de amistades de los ex empleados to personal accounts of friends of ex-employees
a cuyos efectos deberá publicar los anuncios correspondientes for which purpose it shall publish the appropriate notices
a dividendo to pay dividends
a efectos informativos for information purposes only; for information on
a elección de la acreedora at the creditor's option; at the option of the creditor
Entered by: Marian Greenfield
A FAVOR DE LA EMPRESA due to the company
a funcionamiento operating costs
a golpe de talón buying their way to / at the stroke of a pen
a la apertura On the open
a la baja / al alza on the low side....on the high/er side
a la cual se refiere la tipología de riesgo to which the risk classification ( ) refers
a la eliminación de los blindajes estatutarios. elimination of the golden parachute clause in the bylaws (US)/articles of association UK)
a los 30 días (término de pago) within 30 days (payment deadline)
a los treinta dias del mes de Diciembre on December 30
a mejoras en los márgenes improvements in the margins
a nivel de área because it was charged to his office/section/department
a nivel de reparto on the basis of distribution/allocation
Entered by: William Pairman
a no ser que éste se aumente o se reduzca en la medida suficiente unless it is increased or reduced accordingly
a nombre y cuenta on his/her/its behalf and account
a premio cuenta corriente o a premio: current account or special account
a prorata on a pro-rated basis
a razón de at the rate of
a semanas iguales over the same weeks
a su orden [endorsable/payable] to order
a suma alzada lump sum
a Tº Cº de Tº Cº > tipo de cambio > exchange rate
a titulo oneroso for (good and) valuable consideration; supported by valuable consideration
a través del levantamiento del acta through the filing of a formal report
a X mes to/ from X month
A.A.I. inmaterial Accumulated amortization of intangible assets
Entered by: David Russell
A.J.D. Stamp duty
a/a year to year
A1 Accionista A1 Shareholder
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