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Spanish to English Construction / Civil Engineering Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
altamente resistente al desgaste por las condiciones fluviales highly resistant to river erosion
altas presiones de poros high pore pressure...
Entered by: Robert Mavros
altas y bajas inclusions and write-offs
alternate options/alternatives/elections/selections
altos hornos (blast) furnaces
Entered by: Edward Tully
altura considerada estimated height
Entered by: liz askew
altura de buque block height
altura de galce rebate height
altura de greca rib height
Altura del centro de la circunferencia respecto de la rasante en el eje: 1,84 m height from the centre of the circumference to the ground level along the centreline
Entered by: gerarda mc kenna
altura del hombro shoulder height
Altura forjado-forjado floor-to-floor height
altura pelicula agua water film thickness
altura propia structural height
Entered by: Robert Mavros
alumbrado domiciliario residential lighting
aluminio con alma de composite composite core aluminum
amacizado placing in the hole/putting into the ground
amaestramiento de cerrajes master keying
amarre del cable a la cuerda tie the cable to the string
Amarres a estructura (scaffolding) ties
amarres a puntos fijos scaffolding ties to fixed points
amarres puntales y husillos moorings (tie-downs) ... brackets and pegs / pins / screws
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
ambientes con lujo sin exceso settings / atmosphere of subdued luxury
Entered by: Ana Vozone
amoladora a batería battery-powered grinder
amoladoras grinders / grinding machines
amortiguamiento damping
amortizables en 3 usos cost recovered after 3 uses
ampliacion de viviendas extensions or additions to housing units
ampolla de vacío drain cock OR vacuum nipple [see Discussion]
AMPOLLA TERMICA thermal ampoule
anagramas emblems
Entered by: Hazel Whiteley
análisis dinámico PLANO Dynamis Analysis of Plane Structures
Entered by: Robert Mavros
análisis histórico retrospective analysis
ancho de abanico fan width
Ancho de la planta de la estructura width of the structural floor
Ancho de la platina correspondiente a un piso de la estructura Width of the plate corresponding to a floor of the structure
ancho de zapata footing width
Ancho exterior del perfil cuadrado utilizado como viga en la estructura External width of the rectangular shape used as a beam in the structure
anchos de corona crown widths
anclada a su coronación anchored at its crest
Entered by: EirTranslations
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