The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Architecture Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
A parte de poder llegar a escenificar él mismo As well as being a place for
a través de sus territoriales y delegaciones through their regional and project offices
abalaustrada balustraded
abancalada terracing
abarcando el tema de forma integral comprehensively covering the topic
abbreviations on architecture transcript Programming, Display, Cost Accounting (Programación, Presentación, Contabilidad de Costos)
Aberturas antepechadas Openings with guardrails
abocinado splayed
accesits Consolation prizes
acceso en quiebro bent entrance
acceso vs. entrada access and entrance
Aceptica aseptic
acero cincado zinc plated steel
achaflanada chamfered
Acometida de agua (water) main (UK) supply (USA) connection
acotar to mark elevations
acrotera acroterium / acroterion
acta de recepción provisoria de las obras provisional acceptance (sign-off) of the project (to date)
Acta de Veredicto list of projects chosen
Acta inicio de los trabajos (Certification of) Commencement of works
Entered by: Yvonne Gallagher
ACTIVABLE / DESACTIVABLE On Demand Activation and Disactivation
activación (territorial) activation (of a public space)
actuar en los paramentos horizontales to play upon the horizontal
acuñamiento "keystone"
Entered by: eski
acumulación de aforo build-up
Adaptación (en este contexto) (Vocational) Adjustment
Adhesivar bond/adhere
adinteladas of post and lintel construction
Entered by: Neil Rear
Administración del Proyecto de Implementación de seguridad Security Implementation Project Management
adosamiento shared walls
afectos colectivos collective sensibility
Entered by: Edward Tully
afine de talud trimming of slope
aire y luz light well / air shaft
aislamiento técnico ...HVAC Technical Insulation...
aislante hidrófugo dampproof insulation
Entered by: Yaotl Altan
ajuste de proyectos project adjustment
Entered by: Fabio Descalzi
al espacio bajo rasante, in the space below ground level
albanega spandrel; pendentive
aleros a nivel flush eaves
alfarjía común common framework or roof framing, common (roof or building) shell
Entered by: Silvia Brandon-Pérez
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