Translation Glossaries from the Web
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1-18 of 18 results
Chamorro Dictionary
Donald M. Topping, Edward Ritter von Preissig |
This dictionary was designed and created for learners of the Chamorro language, and is currently the most extensive Chamorro dictionary on the Internet. This Chamorro online dictionary is continuously being modified and updated to make it a more accurate and useful resource. Dictionary Sources: Chamorro-English Dictionary by Donald M. Topping Di... View more
Roger McKeon |
User's Guide LazyTerm, the main component of TerminoTrad, is meant to facilitate the consultation of a number of monolingual, bilingual or multilingual dictionaries on line by letting the user enter only once the term to be defined, translated or synonymized, which is then done by clicking the buttons pointing to the various sources of interest.... View more
A very useful glossary about the latest English lingo in the media. Grammar references, contexts of use, descriptions and origins of the words are provided.
Online Glossary of Linguistic Terminology
George J. Xydopoulos |
A glossary covering many different areas of and approaches to linguistics.
Grammatik ABC - Lexikon
Christina Eberle |
Deutsches Wörterbuch der Grammatik und einige grammatische Themen im Zusammenhang mit DSH
Canoo - German language resources)
Canoo Engineering AG, Universität Basel, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, IDSIA Lugano |
Wortgrammatik, Wortbildung, Satzgrammatik, Rechtschreibung, Flexion (Verben, Substantive und Adjektive), Rechtschreibungprüfung, Glossar für die deutsche Sprache und Morphologie
Arabic Grammar terms
Middle East International Services |
Cached page containing terms used in Arabic Grammar. This link is NOT up-to-date, so none of the other links it contains works.
Sanskrit-English dictionary
University of Koeln, Germany |
Sanskrit linguistics, Sanskrit Grammar, philosophy and Literature
Latin Dictionary and Grammar Aid
University of Notre Dame |
Short vocabulary of Slovak grammar. 4th edition. 2003. Slovak and English interface.
Translation, Spelling, Conjugation, Grammar, Voice. 21 language pairs.
Glossary of English Grammar Terms - A - Z
Using |
A fully cross-referenced English glossary of linguistic and grammatical terms. Each grammar definition contains an explanation and cross-references to other relevant grammar terms. The grammar glossary is the most comprehensive I have seen on the Internet. The definitions are very clear and to the point." ~ Chris Durcan - Editor, The Language ... View more
Englische und Deutsche Abkürzungen
Excelente site para resolução de dúvidas de português. Possibilidade de pesquisa e de colocar questões que serão respondidas por especialistas.
Useful site featuring the most common errors in English, an essay by the renowned William Safire, Micahel Quinion's language pages, a Technical Writing Guide, Dr. NAD's Prig Page etc.
Marvellous dictionary of German words, synonyms, anagrams etc. After having posted it first in the German forum I thought it useful to post it here as well.
Visit this link for Spanish Grammar Tutorials
Visit this link to learn grammatical rules for Spanish