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Spanish to English Medical: Instruments Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
cono amarillo yellow cap
silicona flexible de polidiorgano-siloxano flexible poly-diorgan-syloxane silicon
'tienen un menor riesgo de haloinmunización' have a lower risk of alloimmunization
(valle entre la) moda blanca y oscura valley between the white and black/dark areas/regions
Entered by: liz askew
...Pinzas Mister o Cisticas y hemotransfusores Mister or cystic duct forceps and blood transfusers
abate lenguas tongue depressor
Agrupador consolidator
aguja de esclerosis sclerotherapy needle
aguja viuda Spring/French/Split eye needle
Entered by: David Russell
alambre guía con punta en jota J-tip guidewire
alambres subpediculares sublaminar wires
alas (ver contexto) flaps
aletas fins
anillos de Yunn (debe ser Yoon) Yoon fallopian ring(s) /Falope rings
antro antrum
Arco balcánico Balkan frame
arco de Kocher anesthesia screen/\"ether screen\"
Arco quirúrgico y técnico C-arm
arrastre tisular tissue drag
articulacion hinge
AS y O blood and urine tests
aspirador de mucosidad mucous suction device
Aspiradores Intracardíacos intrardiac pump (device)
bajante de sangre blood tube
banco de altura stool
banco sanitario Clean Bench
barra tipo luke Luque rod
baumanómetro blood pressure monitor [meter]
Biopsia incisional de nódulo mamario izquierdo con aguja cortante incisional core needle biopsy of left breast nodule
bisturí endoscópico con punta de cerámica ceramic tipped endoscopic scalpel
bisturí frío cold scalpel
bloqueo anestésico en ambas **bases** anaesthetic in both (prostatic) bases
Bota de carga loading dispenser
Entered by: patinba
botes de patada pedal waste bin
Entered by: James Peel
budinera bowl
bureta para líneas de venoclisis IV burette
CADIVI CADIVI [Venezuelan Commission for Currency Adminsitration]
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
caja de curaciones surgical first aid kit
Calculation Divide the total 5. The result of \"la balanza\" will be final (i.e. the final value)
calipers de precisión de ± 2 mseg using calipers with a precision of ± 2 milliseconds
Entered by: liz askew
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