The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Spanish to English Computers: Systems, Networks Translation Glossary

Spanish term English translation
"La no utilización de cookies por parte del navegador de los usuarios..." Not using/disabling cookies in the users' browsers
"tabla adjunta " , "lee" ,"encabezamiento de la columna" attached table/read/column heading
Entered by: Marina Soldati
(número de) vanos sin regeneración spans without regeneration
a pie de anillo with easy acces to the ring network
A ser llenado por To be filled out by
Entered by: Michael Powers (PhD)
acotar la búsqueda narrow the search
acumulación de usos cumulative usage
administrador de dispositivos device manager
aire air
alcance ortogonal orthogonal range
algoritmos de rutas mínimas shortest path algorithms
Alta de cinta tape registration
ancho de banda bandwidth
Entered by: Todd Field
anulado manual Manual cancellation
Entered by: Ruth Ramsey
aplicaciones de misión crítica mission critical applications
archivos alternativos alternate files
auto válvulas self-contained valves
autosuspendido self-supporting cables
Entered by: Catherine Harrison
áreas de espera waiting areas
órgano de control (contexto networking) control item or device
baja lógica marked for deletion
Entered by: Catherine Harrison
bajara todos los programas shut down all programs
balanceo de cargas load balancing
banca electrónica e-bank
bancas electrónicas e-banking
Entered by: Marina Soldati
base de consistencia e información agregada consistency and added information database
bienes de insumos supplies and materials
bus redundante de alta velocidad high speed redundant bus
Cableados entre si recubiertos por vaina penetrante de pvc PVC insulated multi-core with PVC outer sheath
caja de empalmes junction box
caja de nuestras aplicaciones o servicios our applications and services box
caja de suma summing box
cajas porta mecanismos housing for electrical components
cajas repartidoras de fibra fiber optic distribution cabinets/boxes
canal serie serial channel
capa de útiles utilities layer
captaci󮠤e clic click through
Entered by: Edward Tully
carga de contenido content upload
Circuitos Documentales document circuits
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