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Search results: (645 matches)
German Rettet die deutsche Sprache vor dem Duden Alle in einen Topf Matthias, wirfst du denn alle in einen
Topf? Und auch Gerard kann ich teilweise
zustimmen, teilweise aber auch nicht (verbale
Gewalt existiert leider).
Gudrun Wolfrath Feb 12, 2021
German Rettet die deutsche Sprache vor dem Duden @Michael Kein Problem. Ja, mit Denglisch kann ich mich
auch nur bedingt anfreunden (beispielsweise im
IT-Bereich). Freilich entwickelt sich die Sprache
weiter (Stichpunkt Lehnwörter), aber mir
Gudrun Wolfrath Feb 12, 2021
German Rettet die deutsche Sprache vor dem Duden @Matthias "Gerade darum verstehe ich ja auch ganz und gar
nicht, dass überhaupt irgendjemand außerhalb der
rechten Szene (in deren Dunstkreis die Initiatoren
dieser Petition herumwabern) auf die P
Gudrun Wolfrath Feb 12, 2021
German Rettet die deutsche Sprache vor dem Duden Matthias, dazu fallen mir 2 Sachen ein: 1. Ich bin
sicherlich keine hundertprozentige Gegnerin des
Genderns. Wenn gendern, dann konsequent. Die Texte
lesen sich dann halt wesentlich
Gudrun Wolfrath Feb 12, 2021
German Rettet die deutsche Sprache vor dem Duden Michael, natürlich ist bei dem Beispiel aus "1989" das
Ergebnis eindeutig, während es in diesem Fall
(auch für mich) ein Für und Wider gibt. Ob so
oder so, inwieweit will man sich von den
Gudrun Wolfrath Feb 12, 2021
German Rettet die deutsche Sprache vor dem Duden Kehrseite Danke für deine Antwort, Hauke. Diese
Befürchtungen verstehe ich. Auf der anderen Seite
überlässt man vielleicht gerade damit das
jeweilige Terrain zunehmend unliebsamen
Gudrun Wolfrath Feb 12, 2021
German Rettet die deutsche Sprache vor dem Duden 1 + 1 = 2 Muss das Ergebnis anders lauten, sollten diese
oder jene Leute obigem Resultat zustimmen? Ich
würde sagen: Nein. Da kommt mir "1984" von
Orwell in den Sinn: Wie viele Finger, Winston?
Gudrun Wolfrath Feb 12, 2021
German Rettet die deutsche Sprache vor dem Duden Matthias, nein, ich wusste nicht, dass du dich auf Mervin
(Muttersprache: Englisch) beziehst. Danke, ich
weiß, dass Duden empfiehlt. Den Empfehlungen
folge ich in vielen Fällen, und das möglic
Gudrun Wolfrath Feb 11, 2021
German Rettet die deutsche Sprache vor dem Duden Matthias, [quote]Matthias Brombach wrote: [quote]Gerard
Barry wrote: Ich war schockiert zu erfahren,
dass man jemanden bei der Polizei anmelden kann,
wenn man sich durch seine/ihre Wortwahl
Gudrun Wolfrath Feb 11, 2021
German Rettet die deutsche Sprache vor dem Duden "Und wenn man sich anschaut, wer da so alles erstunterzeichnet hat, gehen einem bei manchen die Augen auf." Das ist mir
allerdings auch aufgestoßen. Ich habe diese
Petition unterzeichnet, weil ich den Inhalt
derselben befürworte. Die Erstunterzeichner ha
Gudrun Wolfrath Feb 11, 2021
German Rettet die deutsche Sprache vor dem Duden Schaum vor dem Mund "Höchst ideologisch (im Sinne einer auch
politisch motivierten Veränderungsresistenz)
argumentieren allein die selbsternannten
Retter*innen (ja, das Sternchen steht mit voller
Gudrun Wolfrath Feb 9, 2021
Money matters Reduced rates due to Covid crisis? Regarding "asking me whether I could lower my rates due to the "difficult circumstances"" Question is: Have they ever asked you to increase
your rates due to "positive circumstances"?
Gudrun Wolfrath Jan 27, 2021
Safe computing recommendations for an anti-virus software I have been using G DATA (Internet Security) for the last few years.
Quite happy with it. A mere antivirus product is
also available.
Gudrun Wolfrath Jan 10, 2017
In memoriam Rolf Kern Rolf I will miss Rolf's contributions to this forum. Gudrun Wolfrath Sep 21, 2016
Getting established What project tracking tools do you use? Up to now I have survived without one (and never missed a
Gudrun Wolfrath Aug 29, 2016
Money matters Non-payment by an individual Thanks. Problem is: I know the exact amount only after
doing the translation. But I explain my method of
calculating (a fixed price per line based on the
German text) before starting the work. Mo
Gudrun Wolfrath Aug 6, 2016
Money matters Non-payment by an individual Thank you all for your valuable input I'll read it again over the weekend. In this
case I would have had two things going for me:
living in the same city and knowing the exact
address. Then again, I am not a
Gudrun Wolfrath Aug 5, 2016
Money matters Non-payment by an individual Thanks a lot, Sheila and Nikki. Please read my PS: She is willing to pay now. But
I will keep your advice in mind for the future,
Gudrun Wolfrath Aug 5, 2016
Money matters Non-payment by an individual Thank you, John. Yes, you cann never be sure. Gudrun Wolfrath Aug 5, 2016
Money matters Non-payment by an individual I have done a certified translation (birth
certificate, apostille, history) for a woman
living in Munich. The agreement foresees that I
send the invoice to her, she pays the amount due,
Gudrun Wolfrath Aug 5, 2016
Business issues TM-Town link at top of Proz kudoz-based ranking searches Thanks for starting this thread, Jo. I was about to renew my membership, now I have
Gudrun Wolfrath Jul 14, 2016
Scams Just got an obscene phone call I couldn’t agree more [quote]Elizabeth Joy Pitt de Morales
wrote: Dear Elizabeth, I can't imagine how
anyone could attempt to explain this away as a
flirtatious actitivity or similar, and any
Gudrun Wolfrath Jun 6, 2016
Business issues Translation track record Juliano, it's marketing time, isn't it? I don't keep a track
record by the way.
Gudrun Wolfrath May 31, 2016
Money matters Cost of certification 10 EUR My usual charge for a certification (Germany) Gudrun Wolfrath May 18, 2016
Money matters Words per hour? Rather less than that Is there any text that doesn't require (sometimes
a lot of) research?
Gudrun Wolfrath Apr 2, 2016
Fun with language 'strange' in your language German seltsam, sonderbar, merkwürdig, befremdlich,
stange See:
Gudrun Wolfrath Feb 3, 2016
Translation news Feminists attack Oxford Dictionary of English for 'reinforcing sexist stereotypes' With Fiona and Vera Gudrun Wolfrath Jan 26, 2016
Money matters Should a translator accept non payment for translating a self help book? Sure. Self-help book No, I wouldn't do it. Gudrun Wolfrath Dec 23, 2015 job systems Updating BB entries Thanks, Susana. Sounds familiar to me. Meanwhile I have changed
the entry without changing my rating. Merry
Gudrun Wolfrath Dec 23, 2015 job systems Updating BB entries Yasutomo and Sheila Thank you for your anwers. In this case I could
only add that I have been paid meanwhile thanks to
my lawyer. My rating would not change, of
Gudrun Wolfrath Dec 22, 2015 job systems Updating BB entries Have you ever updated one of your Blue Board
entries? Not immediately, but years after the
initial entry. The idea did not cross my mind
until I was asked to do so. Hence my question.
Gudrun Wolfrath Dec 22, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Do you think that being a translator changes your perception of life and society? Maybe my perception of life and society has made me become a translator - and vice versa. Gudrun Wolfrath Dec 12, 2015
German Das Böse lauert überall Ja, endlich bietet mir das Rauchen einen Vorteil! Gudrun Wolfrath Dec 11, 2015
German Das Böse lauert überall
Gudrun Wolfrath Dec 10, 2015

[Bearbeitet am 2015-12-10 13:56 GMT]
Gudrun Wolfrath Dec 10, 2015
Money matters What to do when a client doesn't pay? Mahnverfahren online Gudrun Wolfrath Dec 2, 2015
Business issues Advice on ending a collaboration Stop working for this client [quote]cvaughn wrote: ...I was being paid .08
EUR at the beginning, which was then reduced to
.06 EUR after about a month... Being the
language service provider you are the one to
Gudrun Wolfrath Nov 29, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: How often do you translate into one or more of your source (non-native) languages? Very rarely Birth and marriage certificates and the like. Gudrun Wolfrath Nov 23, 2015
Business issues Agency wants proof of 2014 social security payments No, never happened to me. That's even very
confidential information. I wouldn't agree to
Gudrun Wolfrath Nov 20, 2015
Scams Reliable company? Me too I received the same mail yesterday. Another one
today. It is us who offer rates, not the buyer!
Gudrun Wolfrath Nov 16, 2015
Off topic Vive la France! Liberté, égalité, fraternité - toujours Paris - nous pensons à vous Gudrun Wolfrath Nov 15, 2015 job systems Is this a joke? (MOD: clearly a mistake in the wordcount made by the outsourcer) Another "tempting" opportunity today €100.00 EUR to €200.00 EUR total for the
translation of 24,000 words (ENG-GER) 11
quotes, one by me recommending google
translate Obviously there is no limit to the
Gudrun Wolfrath Oct 19, 2015
Scams Beware of a new "student" scam! Annabelle, this link might be of
Gudrun Wolfrath Oct 6, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: Where do you usually sit while you are working? I am sitting on
Gudrun Wolfrath Sep 22, 2015
Poll Discussion Poll: At what age did you become a translator (as your only/main source of income)? 22 and counting Gudrun Wolfrath Sep 11, 2015
Money matters 500 word test translation--too long? Problem is... tell them your rates. You take and pass the
test, they like your translation and want you to
work for them - if you agree to their rates.
Gudrun Wolfrath Sep 1, 2015
Scams Scammer impersonating Charline Vuillet Thanks, Andrea. We can never be careful enough. Gudrun Wolfrath Aug 25, 2015
Scams Scammer impersonating Charline Vuillet "Charlin
e" gave me "her" Linkedin profile as a reference.
So please watch out. Support ticket already on
its way. Unfortunately I did not
Gudrun Wolfrath Aug 25, 2015
French Logiciel de correction pour textes en allemand. Extrait de mon manuel Duden: "Installation durchführen Beenden Sie vor dem
Starten des Set-up-Programms alle aktiven
Anwendungen. Achten Sie besonders darauf, dass
alle Anwendungen von Microsoft Office sowie eine<
Gudrun Wolfrath Aug 19, 2015
French Logiciel de correction pour textes en allemand. J'utilise le livre et le logiciel de
Gudrun Wolfrath Aug 19, 2015

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