Newsletter: January 2010

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(1) Books featuring translators as characters
(2) Nuevos cursos a distancia para traductores
(3) Self-paced courses on negotiation & busines skills
(4) Videos sobre estándares internacionales de traducción
(5) Opportunities for trainers and content creators at
(6) Webinars and videos on CAT tools
(7) New SDL Trados MultiTerm 2009 & SDL Trados Studio 2009 for P
(8) New three-week self-paced course on Wordfast Classic.
(9) memoQ upcoming online training
(10) Cursos para traductores en Madrid
(11) Tradurre e scrivere per il web (corso avanzato)

(1) Know any good books that feature translators as characters?

Have you read a good book that featured a translator as a character? Add your favorite to the list of such books here:

(You must be logged in to contribute. Just click the "edit" tab and start typing. If you are not familiar with wiki formatting, just enter text in the appropriate section.)

(2) Nuevos cursos a distancia para traductores

Cursos virtuales en español con tutoría a cargo del equipo pedagógico de SIC, SL.

Los cursos están convenientemente estructurados para garantizar la consolidación de los conocimientos básicos imprescindibles para operar con autonomía en la temática tratada e inciden especialmente en la metodología de situaciones reales.

Tutorial para la creación de una memoria de traducción
Más información en:

Gestión de bases de datos terminológicas con Multiterm 2007
Más información en:

Traducción de páginas web
Más información en:

Traducción asistida con Wordfast
Más información en:

Traducción asistida con SDL Trados 2007
Más información en:

Introducción a la terminología práctica (Excel 2007)
Más información en:

Introducción a la terminología práctica (Excel 2003)
Más información en:

Trados imprescindible
Más información en:

Curso Terminología – Obtención y gestión
Más información en:

(3) Self-paced courses on negotiation & busines skills

These ever popular courses by Doug Lawrence are now available within the new e-learning environment.

Participation fee is 75USD. Participants will have access to the self-paced course and monthly live online meetings with the tutor for a period of six (6) consecutive months.

Course on Negotiation for Freelancers:

With this course you will learn how to negotiate with confidence, understand negotiation techniques, respond when techniques are used on you, access further information to continue your studies, practice your newly acquired skills and become a master negotiator! Sign up here:

Course Tough Questions and Answers for Freelancers:

With this course you will understand the power of active listening, ask and answer difficult with confidence, be prepared when clients ask intentionally difficult questions, learn how to phrase responses and questions in your own style, combat pricing objections, access further information to continue your studies and practice your newly acquired skills and become a master of questioning and answering! Sign up here:

(4) Videos sobre estándares internacionales de traducción

Tres presentaciones que le ayudarán a conocer los diversos estándares internacionales de traducción con el fin de mejorar en el ejercicio profesional:

Generalidades de los estándares lingüísticos

Principales estándares de calidad en la industria.

Buenas prácticas en el área de la localización

(5) New opportunities for trainers and content creators at

If you are an experienced professional, you will surely be interested in the opportunities is offering to trainers and content creators for self-paced training (Moodle), videos, webinars and online training sessions for translators. provides supporting platforms, technical assistance, promotion, and e-commerce for all experts willing to share their expertise with the community and gain an extra income.

This program offers a great opportunity for professionals with deep experience in an area to create a residual stream of income.

Start now by submitting your training proposal at

For more information do not hesitate to contact Training Cordinator, Soledad Azcona, at soledad at

(6) Webinars and videos on CAT tools
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ webinars are live online presentations on different topics of interest to those in translation industry. Webinars are conducted at a specific time using Go To Meeting software.

Upcoming webinars for February:

Feb 2 - Webinar on Across by Nicole Keller
Sign up here:

Feb 16 - Webinar on memoQ by Nicole Keller
Sign up here:

Feb 23 - Webinar on Atril Déjà vu by Nicole Keller
Sign up here:

See the video recordings of webinar sessions on January:

A comparison of translation memory tools
Webinar on SDL TRADOS by Nicole Keller
Webinar on Wordfast by Nicole Keller


(7) New SDL Trados MultiTerm 2009 & SDL Trados Studio 2009 for Project Managers online training
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ announces this month new courses within SDL Trados Training & Certification program:

SDL Trados Studio 2009 for Project Managers
SDL Trados MultiTerm 2009 for Translators.

Participation fee is only $99 USD - it includes access to the complete 3 hour online session, course materials and certification exams.

See all upcoming online sessions for SDL Trados 2007 and SDL Trados Studio 2009 training & certification program here:

(8) New three-week self-paced course on Wordfast Classic.

This tutor led training is conducted through new e-Learning platform, for those who are interested in a self-paced interactive learning experience in Wordfast Classic.

Participation fee is just $50 USD. It includes tutorials, recorded sessions, interactive presentations, documentation, assignments & support by Wordfast Certified trainer during the three weeks of the course duration.

Sign up here:

(9) memoQ upcoming online training

This online 3 hour course is essential for any translator who is considering or has purchased memoQ. It is the first step in understanding how to leverage the full power of memoQ to increase your productivity.

At the end of the course you will be able to create projects, create translation memories and term bases, translate Word documents, review and finalize these documents.

Feb 26 - memoQ Level 1 - Getting started
Participation fee is just 99 USD
Sign up here:

(10) Cursos para traductores en Madrid
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ y SIC, SL los invitan a participar en sus próximos cursos de capacitación para traductores que se realizarán en Madrid en el mes de febrero.

Comparativa de programas de traducción asistida
Fecha: Jueves 25 de febrero
Usuarios de 60 €
Miembros de y antiguos alumnos de SIC: 50 €
Programa del curso y reservas en:

Trados urgente - SDL Trados Studio 2009
Fecha: 25 y 26 de febrero
Usuarios de 140 €
Miembros de y antiguos alumnos de SIC: 121 €
Programa del curso y reservas en:

El uso de la traducción automática en un entorno de traducción asistida
Lugar: Madrid (aulas informatizadas en c/Santísima Trinidad, 5)
Fecha: Viernes 26 de febrero
Usuarios de 60 €
Miembros de y antiguos alumnos de SIC: 50 €
Programa del curso y reservas en:

Aprende a venderte: Marketing para traductores
Fecha: Sábado 27 de febrero de 2010
Usuarios de 145 €
Miembros de y antiguos alumnos de SIC: 123 €
Programa del curso y reservas en:

Los asistentes podrán adquirir membresías profesionales de a solo 75 EUR.

(11) Tradurre e scrivere per il web (corso avanzato)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ è lieta di annunciare la quinta edizione del suo Corso di formazione online sulla Traduzione di siti web corso avanzato.

l corso, della durata di quattro settimane, è rivolto ai traduttori che hanno seguito il corso di base Traduzione di siti web di Andrea Spila o che abbiano una conoscenza dei principi del web writing nonché nozioni elementari di HTML.

Il corso avrá inizio il 1 marzo 2010.

120 EUR (quota speciale Earlybird), per chi si iscrive entro il 14 febbraio 2010
150 EUR per chi si iscrive dopo il 14 febbraio 2010

Clicca qui per visitare la pagina del corso.

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